YouWol Geoscience Services

Salt related deformation (faulting)

Case study: Santos Basin, offshore Brazil


Maerten L., Maerten, F. and Cornard, P., 2017, Stress Distribution Around Complex Salt Structures - A New Approach Using Fast 3D Boundary Element Method. EAGE extended abstract, Paris.

Maerten L., Maerten, F., Coleman, A. J. and Jackson, C. A.-L., Modeling stress and fracture distribution around complex salt structures: A new approach and a case study from the Santos Basin of Brazil. In preparation for Geological Society of London Special Publication.


  • Client: None
  • Location: Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
  • Main goal: Model faults around salt diapirs
  • Geology: Passive margin, salt diapirs and faulting
  • Tectonic: Gravitational, extension


  1. Data analysis and interpretation
  2. 3D salt model reconstruction
  3. Multi-parametric inversion (ARCH)
  4. 3D stress filed from 3D model (ARCH)
  5. Modeled fault characteristics constrained by stress field (ARCH)

Other applications using similar methodology

This workflow for modeling salt related deformation can also be applied to:
  • Present-day stress modeling around cavities or active faults
  • Man-made caverns

Main outcomes

Interpreted faults
Interpreted fault traces (black) from seismic variance map of a shallow horizon.

    • Interpreted fault trend show a highly heterogeneous pattern.

    • Salt diapirs are (red) crossing the shallow horizon.
3D salt model
Reconstruction of the 3D salt bodies of the area from 3D seismic reflection survey.

The salt surfaces are meshed with triangular elements to better honor the interpreted geometry and to suit the geomechanical simulations with Arch.
Observed versus modeled fault trends
Comparison between observed (interpreted) and modeled (Arch) fault trend.

The modeled fault trend is derived from the heterogeneous 3D stress field computed around the salt diapirs (Arch) under the imposed far field tectonic stresses.
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Observed versus modeled fault density
Comparison between observed (interpreted) and modeled (Arch) fault density.

The observed fault density is derived from the interpretation of both the fault traces and the throw distributions.

The modeled fault density are derived from the heterogeneous 3D stress field computed (Arch) around the salt diapirs under the imposed far field tectonic stresses.

The stress attribute used as a proxy for modeled fault density is the maximum Coulomb shear stress (So).
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